Swim Buddy 15 Swimming Pool Pump 250 Lpm 11 Hm

Swim Buddy Pumps are self-priming pumps for swimming pools. This budget swimming pool pump is manufactured with a glass fibre and polypropylene body, a strainer basket and infection lid.

250 Litres per minute
11 Metre head
Glue fit Self priming to a maximum of 1.5m
Strainer Basket
Inspection Lid
Glass Fibre and Polypropylene Body
Carbon Ceramic Mechanical Seal
Continuously Rated
2" Inlet/Outlet external glue fit  
1 1/2"  internal BSP female also supplied
230 Motor

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Swim Buddy 15 Swimming Pool Pump 250 Lpm 11 Hm

  • Product Code: 014-202
  • £179.00