Umbra Pumps Acuasub Submersible Multi Stage Borehole Pumps

The Acuasub series are multi stage submersible borehole pumps for use in industrial and agricultural applications. They are suitable for pumping potable water and water containing up to 60 g/m³ of suspended solids. The mono-block design provides exceptional hydraulic performance of large flows at very high pressures. These features are normally the characteristics of the conventional motor and cartridge, bore-hole pump combinations. However, the Aquasub series can pump low water levels and offer considerable cost savings over this traditional arrangement. They have a 304 stainless steel body and strainer with thermoplastic diffusers and impellers. Each pump stage is fitted with a 304 stainless steel ring for enhanced wear resistance. The 420 stainless steel shaft is fitted with a mechanical seal, intermediate oil chamber and inner lip seal, which combine to offer excellent wear resistance. All models are supplied with 20 metres of heavy duty rubber power cable and an external, inline starter and motor protection box. Flow can be controlled by including a pressure switch in the delivery line.
A stainless steel sand filter is available as an optional extra to prevent damage to the pump from abrasive solids. It has mesh size of 80 microns.