TMC Flexible Impeller Pumps

TMC Flexible Impeller Pumps
TMC flexible impeller pump designed to transfer clean and dirty water with the advantage of being self priming from 0.5 metres vertically from dry. 1" hose inlet / !" hose outlet. 10 amp fused. Do not run dry. Can be made to operate automatically by using our low level float switch 020-948 and our panel switches 020-980.
TMC flexible impeller pump with a macerator before the impeller. Used to transfer clean and dirty water containing domestic sewage and soft toilet paper. Can prime 0.5 metres vertically from dry. Not designed for macerating sanitry towels, nappies, towels etc. 1 1/2" hose inlet / 1" hose outlet. 25amp fused. Do not run dry. Can be made to operate automatically by using our low level float switch 020-948 and our panel switches 020-980.