T-T Controls Alarm-Tel Telephone Alert For Remote Pump Equipment

Offering peace of mind monitoring of remote equipment, the Alarm-Tel has the ability to monitor and report changes on three alarm conditions including mains failure using standard PSTN phone line.
Upon detection of a fault the unit will telephone up to 3 different recipients with a user recorded message indicating which alarm condition has occurred. Battery back-up within the unit enables operation even under mains fail conditions.
Pumping stations
Booster pump monitoring
High/low level alarm
Loss of prime of pump
No flow warning
Over temperature alarm
Intruder alarm
Test button provided to simulate an alarm condition
PVC enclosure
Fascia mounted LED's
Battery back-up for essential warning even on power loss (approx. 24 hours)
Full recharge time approx. 16 hours
BABT approved: S/1100/3/P/502920
User friendly speech recorder for message playback
High level liquid
Low pressure/high pressure
Intruder alert
Engineer on site
Pump failure
No flow
* Landline required for this product. If no telephone line is available, look at our Text-Tel range.