Pentax Superdomus & VSD Variable Speed Single Booster ULTRA 5S 150/5 Pump
Pentax Superdomus & VSD Variable Speed Single Booster ULTRA 5S 150/5 Pump is already built complete with cable, transducer, 5 way fitting, gauge and 8 litre vessel all connected to the pump. Easy to set up, a few clicks of a few buttons and the set is ready to go.
-Voltage 230v
- HP 2.5
- Kw 1.8
- Pentax ULTRA 5S 150/5 pump WRAS approved.
Pentax Superdomus & VSD Variable Speed Single Booster ULTRA 5S 150/5 Pump
- Brand: Pentax Water Pumps
- Product Code: 1000-6215