Comet BPV Series Low Pressure Diaphragm Pumps

Comet BPV Series Low Pressure Diaphragm Pumps

Comet BPV500 6 diaphragms in Desmopan®. Parts in contact with spray liquid - plastic coated aluminium and poliamide. On request - safety valve and PTO protection. A highly compact design thanks to the patented V construction. 

Today the crop treatment sector looks for high performing machines, self-propelled or big trailed machines which are able to cover ever bigger areas in very little time. This means that components as well as pumps, just like the machines themselves, must guarantee excellent performance and in particular: high flow rates (to feed even bigger spraying booms) and priming capacities (to fill the tank quickly). At the same time, the modern design demands compact pumps that encumber less so they can fit easily in small spaces. One other very important feature of the modern pump is its ease of maintenance which allows quick intervention in the case of an emergency, meaning no precious time is wasted during the weed killing season. 

The pump BPV500 can be applied with a cardan shaft drive or by direct flanging with the hydraulic motor. 

The flow rate of the BPV500 pump reaches 474 l/min with a maximum pressure of 20 bar.
All parts in contact with the pumped liquid are either in technopolymer or protected by a plastic coating. 

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