Piusi Ocio Fuel Tank Gauge GSM Unit For Use With The Ocio
The Piusi Ocio GSM enables the remote monitoring of single or multiple Ocio gauges, by displaying the current tank level or high/low level condition via an SMS. The Ocio GSM is ideal for the remote monitoring of tank contents, and can be sent direct to the fuel provider or technician responsible for filling or emptying. For added convenience, the user can set up the unit so that it sends a tank level reading in mm at pre-determined time intervals, or on demand by texting the SIM card set up within the Ocio GSM. This means that at any time the user is able to determine how much fuel they have remaining no matter where they are, rather than being limited to having to check the contents gauge at the tank.
The transmitter with GSM modem can be connected to a Piusi Ocio fuel tank gauge on an individual tank, or up to 8 Ocio gauges to control up to 8 tanks provided that the necessary expander packs are purchased. In order for the Ocio GSM system to work, the user must provide a GSM SIM card, preferably on a tariff, with the system supporting up to 10 mobile phone numbers in the built-in phonebook.
Please note: The Ocio GSM will only work with a 2G/3G SIM card - It is not compatible with 4G SIMs.
Features of the Piusi Ocio Fuel Tank Gauge GSM Unit:
Works exclusively with Ocio tank contents gauges
Sends SMS alert when low/high level state is entered
Can be set up to send a level reading at set times
Level readings can be sent on demand
Automatically alerts the set number of a min or max level
Controls up to 8 Ocios if expander packs are purchased
Requires a 2G/3G SIM card with up to 10 numbers stored
For 1 tank
Max Working Temperature: -20ºc/+50ºc
Piusi Ocio Fuel Tank Gauge GSM Unit For Use With The Ocio
- Brand: Piusi Fluid Handling Innovation
- Product Code: F00755G30