• Pentair Sherwood Minor Repair Kit 23976 for Sherwood Engine Cooling Pumps

Pentair Sherwood Minor Repair Kit 23976 for Sherwood Engine Cooling Pumps

Sherwood minor repair kit 23976 for Sherwood engine cooling pumps, we only supply genuine Sherwood pump spares to ensure that your pump performs as the pump manufacturer and the engine manufacturer specified.

The Sherwood minor repair kit suits the following Sherwood pump models:
- G3, G4, G5, G5-1, G7, G7B, G8, G26-01, G45-1, G45-2, G46, G50, G55-2, G56, G85, G1009 and G1009-01
- H-85
- K90
- L10B and L80
- M71 and M71-01
- P1016-01 and P1016

The Sherwood minor pump repair kit contains the following Sherwood spares:
- 1x 04258 Sherwood retaining ring.
- 2x 04259 Sherwood retaining ring.
- 1x 04264 Sherwood washer.
- 1x 04432 Sherwood woodruff key.
- 1x 10615 Sherwood impeller.
- 1x 12231 Sherwood O-ring.
- 1x 12314 Sherwood mechanical seal.
- 1x 12855 Sherwood gasket.

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Pentair Sherwood Minor Repair Kit 23976 for Sherwood Engine Cooling Pumps

  • £137.00

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