A specially developed multipurpose grease for all anti-friction and plain bearing applications.
1. Good mechanical stability
2. Good oxidation stability
3. Good corrosion resistance
4. Good load carrying properties
5. Good oil separation
6. Wide temperature range
7. Good pumpability
8. Impact resistance
9. Compatible with other greases
This lubricating grease conforms to the latest specifications and is approved by leading bearing manufacturers and automotive manufacturers for industrial and automotive use.
The grease has shown exceptional stability performance giving a wide operating temperature range of -20 to +150 0C continuous, and up to 1800C for short bursts.
Typical Physical Characteristics
NLGI classification
Worked penetration (IP50)
Roll stability (ASTM D1831)100 hrs
Dropping point (IP132)0C
Oil separation (IP121)
Copper corrosion (IP112)
Dynamic corrosion resistance (EMCOR) (IP220) Shell 4 Ball - Weld Load (IP239)
Timken OK load (IP326) Kg. (lbs.)
Base oil viscosity (IP71) @ 400C cSt
Base oil viscosity index (IP226)
Base oil pour point (IP15) 0C
Adhesive grease Red
265 - 295
+ 30 max 250 min 4% Negative 0.0 450kg 20 (45) 180
85 -18
The content of this data sheet is given in good faith but without warranty.
Qualube Premium Lithium Complex Grease for Flat Surface Cleaners
- Brand: The Witham Group
- Product Code: 199-2004