Interpump 58 Pump Series - Pressure Washer Pumps - Hollow Shaft for Electric Motors

Interpump 58 Pump Series. Pressure Washer Pumps. Hollow Shaft for Electric Motors. Flow 7.5 to 16 Lpm. Pressure 170 to 275 Bar. Speed 1450 to 2800 Rpm. Brass manifold. Interpump Group, the world’s largest manufacturer of plunger pumps, after having revolutionised the high pressure market with a unique product, universally acknowledged for the high technological level, introduces the new generation of pumps E2 “Evolution 2”. Designed by Interpump Engineering Research Centre and manufactured entirely in Italy with sophisticated automation processes, E2 represents the best synthesis of Interpump’s long experience. The usual high quality standards are paired with numerous, significant technical innovations, which make the product even more performing and reliable. Interpump Group: “The Big Evolution after the Big Revolution”.