• Mac 3 Float Switch for Replacement and Retrofit

Mac 3 Float Switch for Submersible Pumps

MAC 3 float switch with 0.5 metre of cable and a fitted gland to mount on most industrial quality submersible pumps to make them automatic in operation.

The Mac 3 Electromechanical Level Regulator is a float switch which allows electrical equipment to stop and start automatically (usually pumps, but also electric control valves, alarms, etc.) when a prefixed level has been reached. It is highly reliable thanks to a multiple closure device on the fairlead. The Mac 3 is the most universally used float switch in the world for automation of pumps and is used directly by pump producers.

Maximum Operating Temperature - -10oC – +60oC
Storage Temperature Dimensions - 106 x 154 x 54 mm
Weight - 23g
Operating angle - +20o / -45o
IP Rating - IP68
Maximum Depth - 1 Bar
Body Material - Non-Toxic Polypropylene (PP)

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Mac 3 Float Switch for Replacement and Retrofit

  • £38.00